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Faulkner and Co. - A Vancouver Consignment Gem.

Faulkner and Co. 136 E. Hastings, Vancouver BC

Faulkner and Co. Oh, how I wish that I could say that I discovered this Vancity gem on my own, but I cannot take that credit. James the owner found me on Instagram and reached out to me on his own. I rarely respond to companies who contact me about visiting their shops, because many of them do not jive with my aesthetic or feel. I want whatever company I collaborate with to be promoted because I genuinely am interested in their growth and development.   So when James contacted me and the words "Vintage", "Consignment", "British", and "Quality" popped up in the email, I was immediately intrigued! We planned a meetup, which obviously went swimmingly because I am sitting here typing out why you should give this shop a visit if you're in the Vancouver area.

Entering Faulkner and Co/ Push Pull Cafe

When you first enter the store, you will be greeted on the street level by a lovely little coffee shop called the Push Pull Cafe. It is closed on Sundays, so I wasn't able to sample their beverages, but I will say that it is a cafe that I have heard of before, the flow between cafe and clothing shop blends very well and the theme of minimalism gives the space a zen atmosphere.

  James greeted my friends, son, and I very warmly. He was quite busy working on new opportunities for the shop but made sure that we had what we needed and I started browsing the products for the store.

At the time he was curating a collection of personally pulled, well kept, pre-loved vintage clothing of excellent quality. He was in the middle of waiting for his imported clothing from the UK to make it past customs.

  James explained his vision for the store to be eventually known as one of Vancouver's best quality consignment shops, that carries hand-selected, high-quality items from the UK, Europe, USA, and Canada. Partnering with emerging talented designers in the Vancouver area whose designs match his aesthetic and contemporary vision. Working together with these people would open doors in various ways to reach the various and many fashion lovers in Vancouver.

I found Faulkner and Co refreshing, and I could see it thriving in this city. The area it is in is not far from Gastown, and it is right downtown Vancouver which gives the store an edge.

   I firmly believe that clientele will appreciate the personable nature that James has. He is very open and talkative, giving one the feeling of belonging in this eclectic city.

  Also the whole prospect of being able to find a home for your own pre-loved and quality clothing. Yes, that's right Faulkner and Co. will work with you in appraising your items that you bring in and see if it is a good fit for the store. Items that are chosen will be sold in the store, at which time 40% of the proceeds will be added as a balance owing to yourself. If an item is not sold within 30 days it will be sold at 20% off the appraised price. After 90 days the clothing will be donated to charity. At the end of every month, you will be notified of your balance and a cheque will be placed on file for you to pick up.

  The types of clothing that Faulkner and Co are looking for are those that are of British, American, or Canadian heritage and makes. They want fabrics that are pure, such as Leather, Denim, Wool, Silk, Cotton, or Linen.

  This process ensures that Faulker and Co can keep the quality and aesthetic that they are trying to build so you can always be sure that you are buying clothes that help fund local business owners and are taking the time to make the community around them a better and more caring place.

  The quality of the garments that James has found and placed in the store is a welcome change to the fast fashion that many of us fall victim to. Faulkner and Co. clothes show their worth with a look and feel that you just can't find in regular stores.

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